Globalize Liberation, Not Corporate Power:

Solidarity with Palestine - Free Posters

Free Window Signs:

COVID-19 Public Health
Justice for Ballpark Workers
Equality T-Shirts for AFSCME 3299
Global Climate Strike!
Climate Justice Now!
New from AK Press:
New from PM Press:
New Book from Seven Stories Press:
Green Jobs, Not Jails!

New DanceSafe Harm
Reduction Card:

Recent Book from City Lights San Francisco:
Celebrating 24 Years of Service
2000-2024 JusticeDesign has been serving grassroots movements for social justice for the past 24 years. New work is being added to this web coming soon!

Art Exhibit
Transformations Art Village The art of Jason Justice is being exhibited as part of the Transformations Art Village at the Harmony Festival in Santa Rosa, California from June 10-12, 2011.

New Web Site
DanceSafe JusticeDesign announces a new web site for DanceSafe, a non-profit drug info and harm reduction organization promoting health and safety within the rave and nightclub community.

Guest Speaker
Art for Social Change Jason Justice was the guest speaker at the NorCal Graphic Artists Guild September 2010 mixer in San Francisco. He spoke about Art for Social Change: aligning your work with your heart, and the politics of design and social responsibility.

Labor Movement Logo
Hyatt Workers Solidarity Committee Hotel workers in five Bay Area Hyatts are currently on strike and organzing to win. A new solidarity logo and picket signs have been created for UniteHere workers' organizing across all 5 hotels.

Featured Artist
NorCal Graphic Artists Guild Jason Justice is the Featured Artist on the Northern California Graphic Artists Guild web site, a labor union for designers, artists and illustrators. Check it out and read his story.

Make Big Oil Pay!
Rally and Nonviolent Direct Action March and direct action on BP and Big Oil's SF locations for their roles in environmental and community destruction around the world. Fliers/posters designed for Mobilization for Climate Justice West.

Art Exhibit
Transformations Art Village The art of Jason Justice is being exhibited as part of the Transformations Art Village at the Harmony Festival in Santa Rosa, California from June 11-13, 2010.

Free Graphics
Download and Reproduce! New free graphics are now available for all your activist needs. Download anti-Arizona SB1070 signs, immigrant rights & protest graphics, anti-war patches, banners and more.

JusticeDesign 10 Year Anniversary
Graphic Design for Social Change: 2000-2010 JusticeDesign is celebrating 10 years of Graphic Design for Social Change! Thank you Bay Area and beyond for allowing me to serve you all these years, we have won many struggles together and we will win many more....

Banquet in the Streets
Shine the Light on Hyatt Injustice Rising Together hosts the 2nd anniversary banquet in the streets for workers struggling for dignity and justice with the Hyatt Santa Clara.

May Day March and Rally
Local 2 Supports Immigrant Rights This leaflet was desigined for UniteHere Local 2's immigrant rights and labor justice march in San Francisco in celebration of May 1st.

Solidarity Posters
End the LockOut of Castlewood Workers Castlewood Country Club workers have have been LOCKED OUT since February 25th, as management refuses to cover healthcare, negotiate, or let their employees back to work.

New Book
The Battle of the Story of
THE BATTLE OF SEATTLE Released on the 10th anniversary of the Seattle WTO protests, this collection explores how history has become a battleground and how it shapes today's movements for a better world. Edited by David Solnit and Rebecca Solnit. Designed by JusticeDesign for AK Press.

Justice for Hospitality Workers
Oakland Workers Rising!
Hospitality workers are facing shorter working hours, lay-offs, speed ups, and proposed health care take aways. This poster was created for a march and protest for workers fighting for justice in Oakland. Designed for UniteHere Local 2850.

Family Leave Laws in California
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Designed for Labor Project for Working Families, this booklet provides family leave info for union members in California. Includes PFL, FMLA, CFRA, and PDL, and how to get the most out of your rights. Layout by JusticeDesign with art by José Luis Pavón.

New Book
RESISTANCE BEHIND BARS Victoria Law's new book, Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women, documents organizing and dissent among women imprisoned in the U.S. Designed from cover to finish by JusticeDesign for PM Press.

Free Posters
Solidarity w/ Tristan Anderson and Palestine Bay Area activist Tristan Anderson was critically injured while protesting the annexation wall in Ni'lin, when Israeli forces shot him in the head with a tear-gas canister. Free posters are available to show your support for Tristan and the people of Palestine.

Hotel Workers Rising
Local 2 Launches Boycott of 2 Hotels in SF UniteHERE Local 2 launched a boycott against the HEI Le Meridien and Hyatt Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. JusticeDesign helped create the picket signs, banners, buttons, flyers and posters.

Harm Reduction Graphics
Twitter Design for DanceSafe JusticeDesign provided the design for the harm reduction organization DanceSafe's Twitter site. Check out the new background pattern and colors.

Activist Clip-Art Book
REPRODUCE AND REVOLT A new book created by Josh MacPhee and Favianna Rodriguez featuring over 500 political graphics free for public use. This collection includes the work of over 100 artists from more than 25 countries with contributions by JusticeDesign.

More News >>

Grassroots Harm Reduction

MLK Posters

DanceSafe Posters

Resist and Exist T-Shirts


May Day Posters

5-MeO-DMT Posters

City Lights Web Site:

Oakland Education Association:

Aimee Allison:

